Sunday, 24 March 2013

Dies Irae. Paolo Pellegrin.

I felt that i had to share this beautiful thought found on the book DIES IRAE by Paolo Pellegrin-for the unlucky ones who don't know him-here the biography.
This is just a small piece of a very interesting interview/discussion with Roberto Koch(Contrasto founder) and I strongly believe that those sentences should be stick in every photographers's mind.
"Ever since I began working in photography in the early nineties, I've heard about this golden age, which is that of LIFE. 
But personally, during the nineties I did very little work for newspapers because I was still in a self-imposed training phase. It's a phase, apart from the rest, that's never completely finished and I imagine that will continue forever...It's just about trying to find my own voice and let it become a written photography. In this sense, I happen to think of photography as foreign language. Learning to connect with this voice and speak through photography, learning to express oneself through this language-listening to the rules and to instincts at the same time-is something and complex. The question isn't how to take good photos, It's how to take good photographs that succeed to do a number of things simultaneously: to document, to transmit information, and to strike emotion chord. Initially I studied architecture, then I took some photography courses and then I put myself through a period of eight, maybe ten years of rigorous training where i had to learn to express myself in this language of photography.
For years i worked on this-on the gaze, vision-shooting by day and printing by night."