Exploring life under the ground!
Friday, 4 November 2011
Saturday, 3 September 2011
La via di ritorno.
Si rifanno la valigie, lentamente, e con poca voglia.
Ti muovi quasi per forza per prendere quell'aereo, che ti riporta indietro, in quella citta' che non e' la tua, che mai sara' la tua, nonostante ci stai bene e ti abbia dato tanto.
Una citta' che all'inizio vedevi con un altro occhio, ma in fin dei conti, di certo non e' il posto in cui vuoi vivere.

Spiaggia, Trapani 2010.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Chasing a dream, Europe.
I have recently read Bilal(unlikely I couldn't find any English version), written by Fabrizio Gatti, an Italian journalist for the weekly magazine L'espresso.
The book tells the stories of many people who every day risk their life chasing the dream of reaching Europe, no matter how.
The price for they dreamed journey is expansive, nearly 2000 € (Euros), which will just pay the trip from the north coasts of Africa to the southern regions of Europe, such money will not include the money payed for the trip trough the Sahara desert and the money stole by the army and the police!
Working in all sorts of conditions and fields, even selling water for they fellow dreamers that will start the long trip trough the desert, those people do literally anything that will start their journey...
It's well known that many of them don't reach Europe nor the northern coast of Africa, paying the most expansive price, their LIVES.
Bilal also talk about the ones who finally arrive in Europe, facing the often very cloudy way to obtain a job and a life.
This is an extremely short description of the magnificent work of Fabrizio Gatti, but also another occasion to speak and remember the brave of those people.
The photos below show the boats which departing from the coasts of Tunisia and Libya, are used to cross the Sicilian channel and reach Lampedusa, also called "the door of Europe".
Europe door. Lampedusa, Sicily 11.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Coming back
In these days I often leave London to follow my project in Bedford, a small city in the east midlands of England, a small city full of stories. As sayed in the other post, this project talk about the differents generations of Italians living in the city, i am truly falling in love with those stories, stories of different times and especially different people, extraordinary people. It is a bit like when I listen into my grandfather's story, talking about his past!
On the train to London, I was reading this book, A fortune teller told me, written by Tiziano Terzani. It tell us about the writer's choice on avoiding to take any flight during the 1993, as a fortune teller in Hong Kong suggested him to not to, because in that year he would seriously risk his life. At the begin Terzani was very sceptic, especially for a journalist is not an easy choice, at the same time, he was very moved by this huge change in his life and in fact decided to travel in the hearth of Asia just with car, trains and even animals. At the end he was thrilled by this new experience and literally discovered a new world, meeting different cultures and enjoying more the beauty of Nature.
It is certainly true that when we use airplanes to travel from country to country, we don't realise that we fly over rivers, seas, millions of different cultures...but what important is arrive in the less time possible...that makes us BLIND.
It all can sounds a bit moralistic and irrational but I think nowadays we are more and more less able to take such decisions.

Midlands, England. 2011
Monday, 4 April 2011
Monday, 28 February 2011
In the last weeks I dedicated my energies on something really special, some Hidden Voices...
It all started on a Sunday, a man walked in my house, he's one of the people who is responsible of the flat...we started talking about everything, how expensive is london, all about his family and the meanwhile we talked about the Italian community of Bedford, which i was totally unaware of.
I started doing some research, and i found out that Bedford have the biggest Italian community in Uk, after London.
There are many stories that I would like to tell you...

© Antonio Sansica 2011. All rights reserved.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
If you have got something to say..
If you want convince the world on the existence of God, if you wanna talk about the ending of the world in 2012, if you want to express your freedom of speech....The Speaker's corner is the place to be.
Today I went to the legendary Speaker's corner of Hyde Park (London), for over 150 years every Sunday people meet up to express their thoughts and ideas about all topics you can possibly imagine.
It is definitely the place to be, you will go trough very serious discussions and also the most hilarious theories of this society.
This lady was impressive...
See you next Sunday!
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Postcards from Barnes
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